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Hello, Miss G. Today I'd like to give you some information about one ofmy hobbies. It's drawing. Ever since I've known myself, I've loveddrawing. Earlier in kindergarten, for example, almost no one except Ipainted mandalas or drew something free. My mama always says thatin my childhood I almost never tracked dolls or barbies, but always hada paper or pencils in my hand. That's why she always says hava I knewfrom the beginning that you would go to a high school and draw well. I've never taken a drawing class in my life. I always drew something onmy own and noticed that I am improving every day. My teachers havealways started to congratulate me and couldn't believe that I can drawso well. In the NMS there were always projects in our school at the endof the year and I was always the one who had to draw something.

In the second Class in the NMS I took part in drawing competitionand am 1. First out of Telfs. My drawing stayed withthem so I didn't get it back. I don't know why. All I have left is aninvitation to the award ceremony and an honorary certificate from myschool. Most of all I love to draw black and white drawings. I lovedrawing with shades and perspectives. In the beginning, I starteddrawing objects. Then, over time, I started drawing faces, people, houses. And just in my spare time I started drawing again. At themoment I draw almost only perspective houses. It's these drawings. Ithink from the camera they can't see it so accurately but I'm going tophotograph it and I'm going to upload the pictures too.

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Created by ghauck 3 years ago
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